Type | Dwarf |
Sun | Full Sun |
Height | 24-36 inches |
Spread | 14-16 inches |
Ornamental Use | Beds, Container, Cut Flowers |
Life Cycle | Annual |
Gerbera Information
Gerbera, also known as the sunflower, is an easy-to-care-for plant suitable for year-round gardening and potted arrangements.
This flower exudes a generous, sunny demeanor, unashamedly displaying its beauty. Its blooms, resembling a bird’s elongated tongue, surround the stamens, resembling a radiant sun. The flower, often as wide as a cup’s mouth, is celebrated for its elegance and grandeur when fully open. Its vibrant presence is often associated with themes of mystery, mutual respect and love, perseverance, fearlessness in the face of challenges, and enduring happiness. Gerbera symbolizes a pursuit of a rich and fulfilling life.
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